Sommer pruning

Summer pruning for fruit trees and small fruits

Apple and pear trees

Low-stemmed fruit trees can be pruned well in summer, and you can bend out branches well now.

Why should a fruit tree be pruned?
- Get a better shape.
- Get earlier and more fruit on the tree.
- Prevent diseases (cut away diseased branches, infections, etc. as soon as possible).
- With somewhat older trees, optimise the exposure in the tree.
- Rejuvenate older trees somewhat.
Apply simple techniques!

Upright branches have the most growing power. Prune away heavy branches in the top of the tree to get better lighting in the tree.
A tree that is growing too fast is best pruned and bent out so that the branches become horizontal.

Bending out may be done in both summer and winter. If you bend the branches out in July, they will start taking a stand in the short term. Never bend them too far. This may cause the branch to break.

Also, in July and August the new flower buds for next year are produced. If you bend out the branches, you have a greater chance of getting flower buds, i.e. fruit, next year.
You can bend them out by tying a weight to the branch or pulling them down with string and attaching them to underlying branches. (Be careful not to tie these branches off!! It is best to do the tying off with binding tube).

See photo:
Plums and cherries
The purpose and technique of pruning is broadly the same as for apple and pear.
Bending out can be done in summer. Pruning should only be done in late summer (late September).

Prune after picking, if there are no fruits on the tree you can prune in August.

Red, white and black currants
Do not prune now

Do not prune now

Do not prune now

Do not prune now

Blackberries and similar varieties (Japanese wineberry,Taybes etc.)
You can let the new shoots grow freely.
Give new shoots good space, these will give fruit next year.

Summer raspberries that have already borne can be pruned now.
This will allow the new shoots to grow better.
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